

Games Done Quick: Break Channels

Real-Time Donation Tracker: React, NodeCG, PIXI.js, TypeScript

Live Demo | GitHub
  • Engineered a Galaga-themed donation tracker for Games Done Quick, a series of charity video game marathons that streams bi-annually to 100k+ concurrent viewers.
  • Accesses incoming donations via custom hooks from NodeCG and generates responsive animations using PIXI.js integrated with React.
  • Optimized to handle traffic spikes of up to 20 donations/second without visual lag.
  • Written in TypeScript featuring full in-line documentation with an eye towards extensibility.


Image Posting App: Flask, Jinja2, PostgreSQL

Live Demo | GitHub
  • Integrated Flask with Amazon S3 and DigitalOcean Spaces to store and serve images from the cloud, minimizing server load.

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